I’m super excited to share with you my latest painting “Cyberia Prime.” I have worked on this over 15 Saturdays, it is again an exciting direction to be taking and follows both of my passions, it is the 12th in this new series… 
After several days spent meeting covertly on the station with numerous ideas about how to investigate Dani’s mysterious dream/message. They came to the conclusion that some of Dani’s close colleagues and friends would know more about her sisters whereabouts so travelling to her homeworld of Cyberia Prime was the best course of action.
Only 40 years earlier her home, an ocean world inhabited by only its undersea indigenous species had been occupied by invaders, bringing them near to extinction. Dani’s refugee people had arrived answering the desperate SOS and after a war lasting almost a year liberated the planet with their superior numbers and ingenuity.
She and her cybernetic compatriots built island cities while leaving 90% of the planet’s surface to its original and rightful owners. They agreed to protect the natural environment in return for aqua-forming no more than 10% of the biosphere. 
And so it was that they disguised themselves again and took a freighter to the nearby moon and a shuttle to the surface. 
Traveling with Mia this time Dani proudly watched and filled in her friend on local highlights as they descended through a mist that seemed to glow and watched the great spires and towers of the capital of city of Cyberia emerge like old friends from the murk. 
She was excited to introduce them to her extended family who she hadn’t seen for over a year. But first they would have to travel to the remote western community of Cyntella.
Cyberia Prime

Cyberia Prime
